Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Last week's Target Practice results!

Question: Is it a violation of the Sabbath to have a furnace on in the winter time?


A. Yes - 0 hits
B. No - 23 hits

Bull's-eye: B

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Last week's Target Practice results!

Question: Did Yeshua break the Sabbath?


A. Yes - 1 Hit
B. No - 28 Hits

Bull's-eye: B. No

1 John 3:4 clearly defines sin as breaking/violating the laws of the Almighty. Since the keeping the Sabbath is one of YHWH's laws, for Yeshua to break it, as some may suggest, would clearly mean Yeshua (Jesus) would have committed a sin and therefore could not be the Messiah of whom Moses spoke! However, since Yeshua was tempted at all points yet without sin (Hebrews 5:15) he did not violate the Sabbath or any other commandment, therefore he is our Messiah.

To get a more detailed teaching on this and other teachings to come, go to and sign up for the "rood crew mailing list."

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Last week's Target Practice results!

Question: Did Yeshua become a curse?

Targets and results:

A. Yes - 17 hits

B. No - 5 hits

Bull's-eye: A. Yes

To receive the explanitory teachings for the "Target Practice" questions please go to and follow the directions to receive "rood crew mailing list" and you will receive free teachings via e-mail every week!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Last week's Target Practice results!

Question: "...As many as are of the works of the law are under a curse." Is Paul implying that conformity to the law can only bring about curses?

Targets and results:

A. Yes - 6 hits
B. No - 15 hits

Bull's-eye: A

To get the full rationale for this seemingly contradictory Bull's-eye please sign up at to get the "roodcrew news" and you may be surprised. Let me just say, Shaul is not talking about those who live by faith obeying from the heart.