Friday, October 30, 2009

Last week's Target Practice results!

Mathew 5:19, Yeshua says..."Whosoever therefore shall break one of the least commandments and shall teach men so, he shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven..." Does this mean everyone will be least in the kingdom since "all have sinned?"

A. Yes - 3
B. No - 36

Bull's - eye: B. NO

Indeed all have in fact sinned, however Yeshua goes on to say in Matthew 5:19 there will be others who will be called "Great." These "Great" ones will be drastically different from those who will be called the "Least" in that they will be turning others to the Torah not away from it like those who are "Least."
For a more in depth response go to and put in your e-mail address in the upper right hand corner where it says "join the rood crew news." you will then get a more detailed rationale for each week's question.

Thank you! and may YHWH bless you all!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Last week's Target Practice results!

Question: James 2:10 says, "If you keep the whole law yet offend in one point you are guilty of all." Is James suggesting that no one can truly "keep the law?"


A. Yes
B. No

Bull's-eye: A & B

Due to the length of the answer, to get a the brief in depth rationale for last week's and future "Bull's-eyes" I would encourage you if you haven't already to visit and put in your e-mail address in the upper right hand corner in which you will receive FREE weekly teachings from TDF as well as get our monthly newsletter and The TDF Monthly Situational Training Report!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Last week's "Target Practice" results!

Question: In reference to food, does Yeshua say nothing from without can defile the man, since it goes into his stomach and is eliminated?

Targets and results:

A. YES - 22
B. NO - 7

Bull's-eye: A. YES

Yeshua did in fact say that. However, since he himself was without sin and sin is transgression of the law he was clearly not suggesting the unclean animals mentioned in Leviticus are now somehow clean! On the contrary, the above quote taken from Mark 7 is clearly a rebuke to the Pharisees who suggest eating with unwashed hand defiles the individual or that which is consumed.