While out shopping for meat to throw on the grill, Corporal Nathan Kneebow was seen in the meat isle by a long time friend, Steve Stronghold. Mr. stronghold recalled the Corporal's obsession with keeping the "Old Testament laws." So with no one else in sight, Mr. stronghold threw the grenade from Galations, "No one is justified by the law!" (Implying to him keeping "the law" is unnecessary.)
Objective: With clarity and precision, convey to Corporal Kneebow how to dodge this grenade from Galations thrown by Mr. Stronghold!
Monday, February 9, 2009
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we are justified meaning that what we've done in the past present and future is just as though it never happened by the washing of the blood of Yeshua, Yeshua did not come to destroy the "Law" but to fulfill it. We have been sanctified(set apart)for the Kingdom, doing things G-ds way and not our own, the "Law" can't be kept, that is why Yeshua gave his life for our sins and the sin of the world. Salvation was a plan, it didn't just happen; the "Law" is a guideline and the holy spirit is the One who keeps us on the right path, the power source, try turning on a lamp without power and see what happens, its the same thing that happens to us when we are not connected to our source, YHVH.
ReplyDeleteYou are right Steve. No one has ever been justified by the Law. The Law is not about justification. The Law is the guide YHWH has given to show us how He expects His people to live in relation to Him, and each other. I try to keep the His Law because I know it is what He wants me to do.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Malachi 3:6 YHWH does not change. The Gospel according to John (chapt. 1)says that Y'shua is, and always was with YHWH. Hebrews 13:8 says that Y'shua is the same yesterday, today, and forever. If YHWH does not change, if Y'shua does not change; how can there be a change in His Law?
In John's gospel account he quotes Y'shua as saying, "If ye love me, keep my commandments."
In his first epistle, John says that to love YHWH is to keep His commandments; that they are not grevious. Revelation 14:12 says that the saints keep the commandments of YHWH and the faith of Y'shua.
Keeping the Law does not justify me, but how can I say I love YHWH, or Y'shua if I ignore His instructions on how I should live?
Justification and The Torah/Law go hand in hand. The Holy Spirit has written the Torah upon our hearts and then gives us the power to live it, which is Grace. As we put our faith in the written Torah and then obey that Word, which is an exercise of that faith, we receive the promises and blessing of the Word. We are justified by Y'shua, the living Word/Torah. We are forgiven our sin and justified because of Calvary. But I would not know sin if it were not for the Law. I have to continue in a life of obedience to the Torah to stay justified.
ReplyDeleteMr Stronghold, you're quoting Gal 3:11 "that no man is justified by the law" is true. Are you implying that Paul was telling us that keeping the law is unecessary? How and why do you believe Paul was telling us the law is unnecessary with this statement?
ReplyDeletePaul's statement that "no man is justified by the law" means that man cannot make himself clean, righteous, and justified before God. We cannot earn salvation through what we do through law keeping. Our keeping God's commandments does not remove our past, present, nor future sins. We are under the death penalty from sin (Rom 6:23).
We are given eternal life as a gift from God (Rom 6:23, Titus 3:7) through Yeshua the Messiah, by the grace of God because of Yeshua the Messiah (Rom 5:15) who died for our sins. This grace comes after our repentance from dead works (Heb 6:1) and as Peter said in Acts 2:38 "Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Yeshua the Messiah for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
Through repentance which God grants (Acts 11:18), our minds are renewed by the Holy Spirit and Yeshua's blood covers our sins. His sacrifice for us.
By our repentance from dead works, we now keep or live by God's Holy and Royal Law (James 2:8) because we know that saying we have faith and not doing what God wants is dead faith, dead works (James 2:20,24; Heb 9:14).
So even though we are not justified by the law, God wants us to keep His law (Rom 6:15) because He does not want us to be lawless, and deny Him and Yeshua the Messiah (Jude 1:4). You don't want to deny God, do you?
No need to dodge the grenade just use the shield that YHVH gave us. And just quote Deuteronomy 13 which basicly states anyone including apostle Shaul who tries to do away with the Torah is "A FALSE PROPHET" and if he doesn't believe the Tenakh ask him what Revelation 12:17 means which it says "The dragon was infuriated over the woman and went off to fight the rest of her children, those who obey God's COMMANDMENTS/(Torah) and bear witness to Yeshua. The reason I put Torah in there was because I'm trying to go back to the Hebrew perspective it's obvious that the whole bible was at one time written in Hebrew. And the 12 gates that lead into heaven I don't see the name Christian on there.
ReplyDeletefrom barb: Mr Stronghold is right we are not justified by the law. The law is there to keep us from sinning and most important to "do" righteous acts. It is our "plumb-line". It is there for OUR good and is teaching us what to stay away from and what to do to glorify YHWH with our life!
ReplyDeleteIf I believe and surrender to Him, Yahushuah the Messiach has already justified me, paid the bill, cashed the check, all of the above forever. Hallelu-YAH!
Isn't it true that 2/3 of the law deals with sacrificial procedures ?
ReplyDeleteShould I keep all those as well ?
What does this mean - "For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John." ?
Hey John,
ReplyDeleteYashuah taught us how to keep Torah. He defined adultery a murder as attitudes of the heart. The answer to your question is yes, we must constantly bring our sacrifice before HIM, that is, our animal nature, our flesh. We must kill it as He did on the cross. Only when we show the Father that we have dominion over the animal realm, sacrificing our flesh, will then become a sweet smell to YaHWeH as we burn it completely on the alter.
John: Is there a holy temple in which one can sacrifice today? I have always wondered why God gave us all the wisdom of the first part of the bible, the prophets lost their lives to share and protect it...and then popular commentary comes along to tell us that his wisdom is no longer necessary in our lives and we accept that version with no problem? Maybe we missed something over 2000 years of translation, lost history/meaning, man's stubborn heart???
ReplyDeleteThis means that no one is justified by works, or works alone. Yes,we need to keep the law (works)but without conversion and baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit, works,keeping the law, means nothing. If Crpl Kneebow is only keeping the laws, this is works, but works alone, the law, is not justifiable. Anybody can keep the law outwardly.
ReplyDeleteChrist says numerous times from Matthew to Revelations if you love me keep my commandments.Since John 1 and Hebrews 1 confirm Christ as the God of the Old Testamanet, the commandments include the clean and unclean meats.
At Pentecost, in the book of Acts, Peter says 'repent, be baptized, and receive the Holy Spirit,' Without this, keeping the law means nothing. Therefore No one, even the converted, is justified by the law.
Romans 3:23 says 'all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.' and in James 2 we are told 'faith without works is dead' but works alone or deeds alone, will not get you into the kingdom of God. You cannot buy or work your way into God's kingdom.
I can choose to follow God's Laws, all of them, not just the 10 commandments, but unless I am fully converted, baptized, and called of God, those works, folling the law, Means nothing