Thursday, October 1, 2009

Last week's "Target Practice" results!

Question: In reference to food, does Yeshua say nothing from without can defile the man, since it goes into his stomach and is eliminated?

Targets and results:

A. YES - 22
B. NO - 7

Bull's-eye: A. YES

Yeshua did in fact say that. However, since he himself was without sin and sin is transgression of the law he was clearly not suggesting the unclean animals mentioned in Leviticus are now somehow clean! On the contrary, the above quote taken from Mark 7 is clearly a rebuke to the Pharisees who suggest eating with unwashed hand defiles the individual or that which is consumed.


  1. How do I get the full version of "target practice"? These are jewels. Thank you, Arlene

  2. In order to get the full version of TDF Weekly and monthly teachings/full versions, go to and click to sign up for the rood crew news. If this does not work e-mail me at Thank You!
