Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Torah Defense Force Blog

An exciting new way to communicate and help defend the Torah the way Moses received it and Yeshua taught it!


  1. I Love to see People rise up and LOVE YAH words. It is a Joy to Study and Understand our Fathers Purpose. I look forward to be apart of the Torah defense.

    The Truth is Free!
    YHWH Reigns through Yahshua Ha Moshiyach..

    YHWH's Kingdom is at hand!

    One Love
    Joseph Israel

  2. this sounds like a fun project for the whole family! I am excited to be a part of it!

  3. I can't figure out how to join. Could you just put something on the site that says click here to join?

  4. Yes, please lets get this thing going, we have a good chance to do some great things for Yeshua, in promoting living the Torah, just like Yeshua did.

  5. I love YHWH this is a wonderful project. Praise Yeshua!!!
    Jim Brooks

  6. Very good idea and very useful website.

    Move, move! The soldiers of the King of Kings!

  7. YAHWEH will only show you as much truth as you are willing to obey

  8. YAHWEH will only show you as much truth as your willing to obey

  9. Yahweh reigns period. Long BEFORE Yeshua walked this planet. The HEAD of the body of Messiah is always working whithin the Father's guiding plan.

  10. Can someone help me.

    I submitted an answer to someone on another blog concerning the Matthew and Luke geneologies. I submitted to them that Matthew's Joseph was the father of Mary and Luke's was the husband of Mary's. Therefore reconciling the two different father's of Joseph and the 13 generations from Babylon to Messiah in Matthew's gospel.

    To make a long story short I was mocked and accused of saying that Mary had 5 children with her father:0? :0?: 0? :0?

    This person's answer to the problem was along with Luke's gospel being ficticious because Luke didn't really beleive Yeshua was born of a virgin, and further more Luke''s gospel is filled with errors.

    But he did give a more reasonable arguement that since Jeconiah was the grandson of Josiah according to 1 Chronicles 3; that in the 14 leading up to the captivity that the translator mistakenly left out Jehoiakim.

    Now I've looked into this and I see what he is saying but I also notice that there were other generations left out from Joram to Uzziah. So in my mind Matthew is giving a list of 14 descendents up to the captivity because Jeconiah was before the captivity. Also, in Matthew 1:11 it says "Josiah begot Jeconiah and his brothers about the time they were carried away to Babylon." However in 1 Chronicles 3:16 it shows that Jeconiah only had one brother. So I checked the greek word Strongs #80 adelpho's and I can see that it's used both singular and plural as well as literal or figurative. So is it supposed to be brother?

    I was hoping to get some more insight into this before I go back into the hornets nest.


  11. TDF Training: New Covenant.

    As you quoted: Jeremiah 31:31 Behold, the days come, saith YHWH, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah.

    In this context, the promise of the New Covenant was given highlighting the Northern Kingdom that was dispursed throughout the nations of the world:

    33but this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; after those days, saith YHWH, I will put My law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their Elohim, and they shall be My people.

    It seems to me that this prophesy is beginning to be fulfilled today. During my years in the Lutheran Church, The Almighty was causing me to question the meaning of our "redemption from the 'LAW,'" while writing Torah in my heart. Yes, I AM redeemed from my trasgression of the Law into eternal life through the blood of Yeshua but I see nowhere that the Law was destroyed. On the contrary, Matt 5:17 states that Yeshua came to fulfill it and (implied) validate it.

    Whether strictly through a spiritual connection or a long-lost blood-tie known only to YHWH, it appears that I AM a member of the House of Israel. Baruch HaShem!

  12. Yes! It seems to me that this prophesy is beginning to be fulfilled today. During my years in the Lutheran Church, The Almighty was causing me to question the meaning of our "redemption from the 'LAW,'" while writing Torah in my heart.
    The Feast of the Lord
    Arc of the Covenant
    Bible Matthew
    Biblical Calendar
    Feast of Tabernacles
    Mystery of Iniquity
    Passover Feast
    Temple of Solomon
    Torah Commentary

  13. Yashua said that it was ok to pull an animal out of a hole on the sabbath. The sabbath is just as holy as ever. Yeshua did not say to worship on the first day of the week. He did say to worship every day of the week. He only nailed to the tree the animal sacrifices and the traditions of men. The animal sacrifices will be reinstated when the Jews go back under the Law for the final 7 years of punishment for not keeping the Sabbaths.
